I've always wondered whether or not God's original plan was for people to be vegetarians. I mean face it, what did He give Adam and Eve to eat? It wasn't a big fat burger or a chicken salad. He said they could eat from any tree in the garden, except they couldn't eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.(Genesis 2:16-17) Being an Iowa girl and growing up on daily meat and potatoes dinners, I can't even imagine a life without meat. I love meat, especially pork. Oh boy! That wouldn't have gone over very well "In the beginning." Like Eve who gave into temptation when she thought God was holding out on her by keeping from eating whatever she wanted to, I often listen and give in to the voices in my head tempting me to eat whatever I want to, whenever I want to. That's why I look the way I look now! Why is it so hard to just do the right thing and eat the way I know I should. I guess it's normal for all of us to have a rebellious streak, to try and go it alone and be independent. But that's not the way we were created. We were created for community and to be in relationship with our Creator. The truth is God made us, He made our bodies to function the way they do, and when we operate within the limits and boundaries He lovingly sets for us, it usually works out for our best. Yeah, Yeah, I know that some of us (including me) have shifting hormones, broken sugar regulators, out of whack biological systems, etc. but that's not God's doing. It's a result of living in a broken and fallen world that became broken because of human rebellion`the exact thing we're taking about with our out of control eating. We're still trying to do things our own way apart from God. It's easy to say that God's way is best, but hard to do what is required, particularly when the french fries or ice cream are calling our name after a stressful day. God gives us free will to decide what goes in our mouths and what doesn't, so how do we know what God's best for us is when it comes to food? He never handed us a meal plan and said stick to it~ but He did give us His Word as a guideline to what to do with our bodies and what not to do. Because He loves us, He has a vested interest in taking care of us, telling us the truth and warning us about the things that will cause us harm physically, mentally, and spiritually. It's all in the Book. So let's feast on the Word over the next few days, and see what He has to say about eating and drinking our way to wholeness and health.
PIG!! I love pig! That's what I prefer to call pork, bacon, ham.... just plain pig. Of course, I can tend to make a pig out of myself eating it. However, there's no way that I could give up meat in favor of total vegies. But I can feast on God's word more, eat more vegies, and, and, and,,, really that's all I got. :) Good devo, Lindy!
ReplyDeleteI have wondered that as well. Our teeth tell us some things. The incisors, canine, and molars. The incisor, sharp and slim can cut/bite into some really tough things (meat?), the canine, sharp an pointy, some real strength in them. the molars, for crushing and grinding. Of course, many veggies/fruits could be tough to eat. who knows.