The Bible starts with the words, "In the beginning God..." It's a simple but profound statement that clarifies His position and ours. God was there in the beginning before anything else ever happened. We are not the center of the universe, not self-created, or self-sufficient. Since this is a new beginning for all of us, it makes sense that we start from a foundation that is central to faith. There is a God and we aren't Him. So what does believing or not believing in God have to do with losing weight? Nothing and Everything! For many people, God has nothing to do with anything they do in life. Life is life and it just happens. They subscribe to the idea that we create our own destiny and there is "no big plan" for life, only people doing the best they can to live happily and do good along the way. For them, losing weight is a system of mechanics- do the right things, eat the set number of calories, exercise a certain number of minutes and logically speaking you will lose weight. While losing weight can be done this way, it lacks passion, emotion, and the results are based solely upon the participant and their ability to consistently discipline themselves. This is akin to viewing sex as a mechanical function to achieve the correct result by pushing the right buttons and leaving out the emotional or spiritual aspects of it. Can it be done? I suppose at some level it can, but I think nearly everyone would agree that we are not just physical being, but we have spirit and personality which are unquantifiable in the physical realm. We need more than just a mechanical, physical experience. We need a spiritual and emotional component to losing weight that keeps us in a position of understanding our brokenness. We are not self sufficient, we cannot sculpt or create ourselves into a perfect being, we need faith, hope, love, and grace to get to where we're going...and that can only comes from relationships with others and from God, who not only was in the beginning, but who is now, and who is to come. If we start from the premise that God is there and has a vested interest in what and whom He created, then we are on the right track for success. For those who are of a mind to have faith, it has everything to do with losing weight!
Hebrews 11;6 says, "And without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists, and rewards those who earnestly seek Him." There may be some that aren't sure about this 'God thing" and how this all works. I encourage you to join in this process and open yourself to the possibility that God is a part of this new journey. Just Weight and See!