My natural propensity to be self centered. to do things my way and on my own. In general, discipline is a word that goes against every fiber of my selfish being. Don’t get me wrong, I can be very self discipline when I want or need to be (remember I’m also stubborn and tenacious) but I being the spontaneous person that I am, I want to switch things up easily when I get bored. If you are self disciplined you follow a prescribed routine that will hopefully get you to your goal. You are solely responsible for your success or failure. It’s very individualistic, self-centered and typically a set up for failure. In my human frailty I will not be able to perfectly or consistently meet the standard under this kind of pressure.
Discipleship however, is completely different. Although discipline and discipleship have the same root, one follows a set of programs or tenants, a prescribed way a thinking or acting while the other is about relationship and following after not only a belief system but also the person who embodies that belief system. As a Christian, being a disciple means it’s all about relationship and following hard after the person as well as the teachings of Christ. In disciplining myself to hold to and practice the prescribed path that He has set out in the Bible, it takes, desire, commitment, and determination to follow through, when it’s inconvenient, unpalatable or just doesn’t seem to make sense; but it’s not solely up to me. It’s also about belief and trust in the One I am following. If I get off the path, I will go backward and feel terrible, . As a disciple, God gives love, encouragement, and grace in the process and provides the Holy Spirit to enable me to follow consistently and well. As I exercise my free will to give him control of my decisions, he exorcises the selfishness demons out of me and replaces them with joy, love, humility, flexibility, and power to do what’s right. Exercise and Exorcising are both painful processes, but both lead to a healthier happier me. Now that's exercising (exorcizing) I can live with.