Friday, September 3, 2010

Genetic Favoritism

Have you ever known someone that could eat like a pig and still look like a stick? Disgusting isn’t it? Here in China so many of the girls are rail thin, have no thighs or butts to speak of and have waists as big as my thigh! Arrgggg! It’s just not fair. How can I look at the french fries at McDonald’s and gain 5 pounds when they can sit there and chow down on a super-sized quarter pounder, large fries and a coke, topped by a chocolate sundae and walk out without a panic attack about what the scale will be saying about them in a day or two. They never even give it a thought. While I am ready to scream, “Genetic favoritism! Booo!” they are strutting out of the place with their cute little mini skirts and stilettos. It feels so wrong on so many levels. The fact that our bodies function differently from person to person, culture to culture, is not a sign of preferential treatment by God, favoring one person or group over another, but rather a sign of his creativity when it comes to his creation.

Psalm 139: 14 says, “I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Yes, I know that I should always be praising God for the way I was created, but fearfully and wonderfully aren’t the words I generally use. In my gut, I am fearful that I won’t be able to fit into my jeans this winter when I only have 2 pair and have to wear 2 layers of long underwear underneath just to stay I wonder how that’s going to work...especially when buying jeans here that are my size is out of the question. That’s fearful alright, but not wonderful!

So why does God seem favor some genetically over others. Some are given the skinny gene, some an extraordinary ability for athletics, music, math, or art. Why does He allow disabilities, predispositions to alcoholism, obesity, diabetes, or other harmful diseases? I mean really? What does He do~ sit up in heaven a draws straws to decide which new baby will get what genetic advantage or disadvantage? I think not. Again, it comes down to what we believe about who God is. Is He unconcerned about our lives, our physical difficulties, unavailable, unable or unwilling to change things, or worse yet, a mean- spirited God who punishes us for everything we do that He doesn’t like. If we go with this definition of God, then I don’t see any point in believing there is one. The atheists are right. When it comes to the gene pool, there is no lifeguard! But if we believe that God is love itself, all powerful, all present, all knowing, able in every way to care for us and He in His very essence knows us personally, loves us and wants to be in relationship with us, then we have to believe that He also works through the brokenness of the human condition to help us in our weaknesses and frailty. God isn’t there to give us what we want. He’s there to help us want what He gives us...whatever that is!

The combination of genetics, environmental factors, divine design and in some cases bad choices have all played a part in it...and God is there in the midst of everything. Maybe He knows that if I had a smokin’ hot body, I would get myself into trouble or think more of myself than I should. Maybe I would be too focused on the next pair of skinny jeans I could buy instead of being focused on the things that maintain and build my relationship with Him and others. Just a thought! I’m never going to be one of those naturally skinny girls. I’m never going to not have a bubble butt. It’s my design and shape. My hope is however, that someday soon I will be happy to have the body I was created for and be able to praise God for being fearfully and wonderfully made. Just sayin’.

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