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From the outside it appears to be just another apple. But on deeper inspection the fruit reveals its true colours. Take a bite and you will find the Redlove’s distinctive hue runs all the way through to the core. It may look like a tomato, but this is the world’s first red-fleshed apple that has gone on sale in Britain. Not only is the apple said to be extremely tasty–it has a ‘berry nuance’-it is even healthier than your average apple as its red flesh is richer in antioxidants. The new fruit will even keep its colour after being cooked or pressed, producing cider that looks more like cranberry juice – or an unusual looking apple pie.It also has the advantage of not turning brown, making it better than normal apples as an ingredient in a fruit salad. The rosy-red apple has been grown without the use of genetic modification techniques. The Redlove is the result of 20 years of painstaking work by Markus Kobert, a Swiss fruit grower.Seed and sapling company Suttons has secured exclusive rights to sell the fruit trees. British supermarkets are expected to start selling them within the next few years. (via dailymail.co.uk) I copied this article because I found it fascinating. What we see on the outside is quite ordinary, and we assume that we know what's on the inside, but what you see is NOT what you get. It's so much more.

In I Samuel 16 After King Saul disobeyed God and was told he would lose his throne, God told Samuel to go to the house of Jesse and anoint one of his sons to be the next King of Israel. Samuel thought for sure that Eliab the eldest son would be chosen, but God specifically told Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things that human beings look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (v7) Then God told Samuel to choose the least likely of Jesse's sons for the job; someone no one expected~his youngest son David. David didn't seem to fit the idea of what a king should look like, but God saw David's insides. He knew David's character and his heart. God a knew that he would be the right one to lead the people of Israel. It would be a journey of character building and waiting before David would become King. It didn't happen overnight, but it did happen nonetheless~just as God determined it would.

I know that in this weight loss journey it is easy for me to look at my outward appearance in the mirror and agree with most of what society says about me...that I am overweight and not attractive. I know that my insides, my heart and my character still need work, too, but I need to keep reminding myself that God sees me as wholly complete, worthy, unique, special and a one of a kind...just like he saw David. Not because of who I am, but because of what he's already done to make me that way by the blood of Christ. Just like this new apple, I am distinctively colorful, rich in gifts and the painstaking work of my Creator. I am the apple of His eye and so are you. Today I can rest in confidence that the journey will end with success, as he prepares my inside and outside along the way.
Thanks so much, this really touched my heart. I also will look forward to this special apple when it comes to the U.S., and what a great reminder that I am the apple of HIS eye!
ReplyDeleteLove it! Thanks for your heart, Lindy!