Friday, September 3, 2010

Drink Up!

When you think about the fact that a huge percentage of our body is water, it makes sense that we would need to keep hydrated. In John 4, Jesus goes to a place called Sychar in Samaritan territory and offers to give ‘living water’ to an outcast woman who is there drawing water from the well. His meaning sounds cryptic. She probably thought to herself, “What is this living water he is talking about?” Then he tells her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up into eternal life.” John 4 :13-14

Every time I read that I want to say as the woman did, “Sir, give me some of that water so I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.” (John 4:15) Of course, Jesus was not talking literally about a “magic” water that would keep her from ever being physically thirsty, but a spiritual water referring to the Holy Spirit. It’s the Holy Spirit’s job to refresh us, and to keep us full to overflowing in His spiritual power, love, joy and other spiritual gifts. However, there is a condition. We need to be willing to come with an empty bucket and desire to be filled. Just as our physical bodies need to be fully hydrated to flush out all the impurities of the body, our spirits also need to be fully hydrated so that we can function in a life that has been cleanse by the Spirit’s power. Nothing else will truly satisfy and He is an unlimited supply. There is never a need to worry about a drought. He, himself is the source of everything and He is more than enough.

When I decided to lose weight over the next 50 weeks, I also decided to start drinking water instead of Coke. Wow! Was it an eye opener to me just how much I loved my Coke and how much I missed the tiny popping bubbles of carbonation tickling the inside of my mouth every time I had one. To be honest, Coke and I were like BFF’s~ inseparable, but the truth is Coke was a substitute for the real thing. I depended on it to refresh me, to supply my caffeine kick throughout the day, to satisfied my sugar craving with the fizzy fun of every gulp. I took it as a personal challenge to make the switch. Now that I have been off the Coke for more than 2 weeks, I can really feel the difference. I feel lighter, cleaner, more clear in my thinking and not dependent on artificial anything to replicate the natural benefits of water; the stuff I’m mostly made up of anyway. This is a good reminder to me that it’s natural for me to be filled with the Spirit and not a substitute. Doing it any other way, just doesn’t hold water!


  1. Thanks Lindy, what a great uplift and reminder of where our strength really comes from. I'm fighting giving up the sweet stuff. I'm a real sugar addict, and it's tough. The scale did drop 3 pounds since my first weigh in, so that's good motivation!!!

  2. Great work, June! 3 pounds down again for me too this week! Keep up the good work!
